9-11 + 6
I was visiting Mom at her home and my younger brother told me a plane had hit. I turned on Peter Jennings and reports , reports from alleged eye witnesses, said “small Cessna-type aircraft.” I stayed glued to the TV and saw live TV of the second plane…shock…I stayed until the second tower collapsed and went home…lines already forming at gas stations as panic set in. I got home and turned on Peter Jennings and stayed with it all day, drifting in and out of sleep as I worked all night long. I’ll always remember that day and my companion that whole day, ABC’s Jennings. He was great. I miss him , even though I was a Dan Rather news-watcher usually.Six years later and bin Laden is making videos to terrorize our mind. Unfortunately, he was/is not a one trick pony. What will he orchestrate next?To me, Bush is a criminal as well for not pursuing him. By now he should have been caught , tried, and executed. But Bush does not care. His mind is on biking trails and low-fat hot dogs…most likely day-dreaming through briefings of the “progress ” in al-Anbar province, asking where “they” , the ones really in charge, will send him next. “Did you say Austria or Australia?”“Oh, yeah…oh well!” [ slobberers hot dog bits and bread crumds down his chest.]Kids that were not yet born when 9-11 occurred are starting first grade. Much has passed. And Bush has let bin Laden go free all this time. He could not care less. But some of us remember