Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Hillary doesn't fit the "bill".

HRC is an Iraq hawk. Her view of that invasive war started by a unilateral pre:emptive strike is one of a cheerleader.
Like millions of Americans, I was shocked and awed when Osama bin Laden was given a pass to roam from cave to internet-able cave at will, as Bush for reasons now easily surmised and proven, committed American blood and dollars to an insane invasion of Iraq, dissing his daddy's program of not unleashing the Big Dog named TERROR onto the people of "The Region".
No, THIS idiot had to listen to Cheney and Kristol and Wolfowitz and Perle and all the rest of those damn Kool-Aid pushers.
Lately he seemed he was interested in "listening."
Yeah, with cotton in his ears!
HRC has yet to get with the program. If she was elected she might keep troops in Iraq her entire eight years in office!
The Iraq war is such a huge deal to me and millions of others, we cannot bring ourselves to vote for Hillary. I used to LOVE the thought of her being president, but she is one of "them" , not one of us.
Dennis Hopper once described the 1960's as being divided into two distinct groups, "us", and "them".
In this case, it's not too simple a way to describe my feelings: Hillary IS one of them. She is a hawk who sat on a bench in The Green Zone in Baghdad with Biden and McCain telling us all was well in Iraq.
She may have enough support to get elected but many of us see her for what she is, and we want nothing to do with her...and it's a damn shame, because I would love to see a sensible democrat woman in the office at 1600 Penna Avenue. Hillary doesn't fit the "bill".


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